past concerts 2012
March 1 & 2, 7:30pm - The Rite of Spring with the Bowen McCauley Dance Company - The Kennedy Center - Washington, DC
May 18, 7pm - South American Extravaganza - Chamber music from Brazil and Argentina - The Hotchkiss School, CT
June 10, 6pm - Festival Internacional de Música do Pará - Belém, PA - Brazil
June 12, 6pm - Festival Internacional de Música do Pará - Belém, PA - Brazil
July 1 to July 13 - Amalfi Coast Music Festival - Italy
July 19, 7:30pm - The Hotchkiss Summer Concert Series - The Hotchkiss School, CT
August 1, 7:30pm - Wintergreen Summer Music Festival - Wintergreen, VA
August 4 & 5 - Wintergreen Summer Music Festival - Wintergreen, VA
September 14, 7pm - Amerigo Trio with Fabio Witkowski - The Hotchkiss School, CT
November 3, 6:30pm - The Rite of Spring & More - The Hotchkiss School, CT